Sunday, January 26, 2014

Home-price economics: In housing, big is back (Not counting the extras)

Here's the story from CNBC

Katie Sleep and her husband, Jonathan, lived in the same four-bedroom home in a Washington suburb for 23 years. After Ms. Sleep decided to retire, they began looking for a new house, and, after viewing a model home in a new development, decided to move to Leesburg, Va., about 40 miles from the city. In having their new home built, they saw an opportunity — not to downsize, but to create a far larger home catering to their every need.


Monday, January 13, 2014

Eminent Domain: A Long Shot Against Blight

Here's the story from CNBC

You can't fight city hall, the saying goes. But Gayle McLaughlin, the mayor of Richmond, Calif., a city of 100,000 souls, would tell you that fighting Wall Street is harder. Even for city hall.
Ms. McLaughlin has a plan to help the many Richmond residents who owe more money on their houses than their houses are worth, but it's one that banks like Wells Fargo, large asset managers like Pimco and BlackRock, real estate interests and even Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage finance giants, have tried to quash. Her idea involves a novel use of the power of eminent domain to bail out homeowners by buying up and then forgiving mortgage debt.

Friday, January 10, 2014

New mortgage rules: No traps, no runarounds

Check out the story from CNBC.

It seems so obvious. You shouldn't qualify for a mortgage unless you can afford it. But in the years leading up to the housing crisis, it was common practice for some lenders to make loans without verifying the borrower's ability to repay. And we all know how that worked out.
New "back to basics" rules from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau(CFPB) are designed to keep that from happening again by creating a safer and more flexible mortgage market. They cover underwriting and servicing of home loans as well as how struggling homeowners—including those facing foreclosure—must be treated.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Best Places to Invest in Real Estate

Here's the story from CNBC.

  Global real estate investors are flocking to the U.S.
A new survey shows that while London was the number one city among foreign real estate investors, the rest of the top five cities were all in the U.S.: New York (#2), San Francisco (#3), Houston (#4), Los Angeles (#5).
The survey of members of the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate said the U.S. is the "stable and secure" country for real-estate investment "by a wide margin." The U.S. is also the top market when it comes to capital appreciation and for future real-estate purchases.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Is the Leasing Career for "Suckers"?

Check out this provocative article from Yo Chicago.

It’s that time of year, kiddies.
Chicago’s apartment rental services a/k/a finders a/k/a locators are once again beginning to blitz Craigslist with ads touting the opportunity to begin an exciting, lucrative career leasing luxury apartments. 


Is the Leasing Career for "Suckers"?

Check out this provocative article from Yo Chicago.

It’s that time of year, kiddies.
Chicago’s apartment rental services a/k/a finders a/k/a locators are once again beginning to blitz Craigslist with ads touting the opportunity to begin an exciting, lucrative career leasing luxury apartments. 


Is the Leasing Career for "Suckers"?

Check out this provocative article from Yo Chicago.

It’s that time of year, kiddies.
Chicago’s apartment rental services a/k/a finders a/k/a locators are once again beginning to blitz Craigslist with ads touting the opportunity to begin an exciting, lucrative career leasing luxury apartments. 


Friday, January 3, 2014

Jordan's Chicago Area Home Back on Market at Reduced Price

Here's all the details from CNN.

Michael Jordan has lowered the price on his art deco mansion to $16 million, nearly two years after first trying to sell it for nearly twice that amount.
The house is on seven-plus acres in Highland Park, Ill., about 25 miles north of Chicago.


Best Apartments in the South Loop

Check out this feature from Yo Chicago.

enters have too many differing priorities – and budget constraints – to make singling out an overall best building anything but a fool’s errand.
We’ve spotlighted the best South Loop apartment buildings on each of 18 different criteria to make it easier for you to identify the one that’s best for you, based on the factors you prioritize. The following is a recap of our individual posts on these criteria.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Construction Watch: Rental Property in Ravenswood

Check out the site Curbed Chicago for more details about a 150 unit rental complex being built in the Ravenswood neighborhood of Chicago.

Construction of the Mariano's-anchored Ravenswood Station retail complex has been happening for more than a year now, but what drew Curbed's cameras to the site at Lawrence and Ravenswood is the 150-unit apartment low-rise and townhouse development set behind the garish commercial blot. Known as Ravenswood Terrace, this rental cluster is no prize winning design either but at least its full presence is the reserve of Metra commuters. As shown above, the development's footprint is mostly filled-in. In the end, three 3-story attached townhouse rows and two 5-story apartment buildings will invite tenancy. This sensitively-scaled mix brought by developer Greg Merdinger was more palatable to neighbors than Magellan development's previous 11-story condo proposal. Mariano's and L.A. Fitness are slated to open in March. We wonder if Mariano's would've gotten in on such a big capital project if they'd known Dominick's was months away from loosing its real estate on the market? With $4.5M in TIF subsidy, probably so.·150-Unit Ravenswood Terrace Cleared for Foundation Work [Curbed Chicago]·Ravenswood Station Coverage [Curbed Chicago]
